Our Team

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Bob Graham – Public Policy director (volunteer)

Advocacy and Program Director, Bleeding Disorders Advocacy Network (BDAN)

Bob is a person with Hemophilia and has been active in the bleeding disorders community for over 30 years. As NYSBDC Director of Public Policy, Bob helps to identify issues of concern to people with bleeding disorders and formulate ways the community can ensure access to care for all. In 2021, Bob received the EveryLife Foundation RareVoice State Advocacy Award.



Beth Mahar – Steering Committee MEmber

Executive Director, Bleeding Disorders Association of Northeastern New York (BDANENY)

Beth’s career has been based in non-profit organizations in the Capital District. She worked for over 13 years for the Hospice & Palliative Care Association of New York State, first as Director of Member Services and ultimately as Director of Operations. Prior to that, she was Director of Communications for the New York State Association of Area Agencies on Aging. Beth is also a past Board Member of the New York State Tribute Foundation, and past President and current Board Member of the Greater Loudonville Association.


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Jon Davis – Steering Committee member

Advocacy Co-Chair, Bleeding Disorders Association of the Southern Tier (BDAST)

As a parent of two sons with hemophilia, Jon has been active in the bleeding disorders community for 25 years. He has volunteered at the Bleeding Disorders Association of the Southern Tier (BDAST) for over 23 years and currently serves as Advocacy Chair for the organization.



Linda Mugford – Steering Committee member

Executive Director, Hemophilia Association of New York

Linda Mugford has been working in the Bleeding disorders community since 2000.  She is one of the original members of the NYSBDC Steering Committee.  She is the Executive Director of the Hemophilia Association of New York, which has been serving the bleeding disorders community since 1952.  She grew up on Long Island and resides in Greenport on the North Fork.



Tom Wilmarth – external liason

President & CEO, Mary M. Gooley Hemophilia Center

Tom has been with the Center since 2010 having previously served in the capacity of Vice President of Public Policy. A passionate advocate for the bleeding disorders community, Tom enjoys working with other advocates and organizations at both the state and federal level. Tom also works directly with regional and national insurance companies on coverage issues, access to care, reimbursement structures and policies that affect the bleeding disorders community.



Jeremy Griffin – Steering Committee member

Executive Director, New York City Hemophilia Chapter (NYCHC)

Jeremy has been at NYCHC since 2016 and worked within the bleeding disorders community since 2011. His background has centered around building data-driven marketing and growth strategies for nonprofits since 2001. Local advocacy efforts have included the launch of a regional captains training program and a targeted patient voice advocacy series. His priority focus in recent years has been using empathy based design models to collaboratively create responsive and sustainable programs to improve health outcomes for people living with bleeding disorders.



Laurie Reger – Steering Committee member

Executive Director, WNY BloodCare (WNYBC)

Laurie Reger is the Executive Director of WNY BloodCare (previously The Hemophilia Center of WNY). Laurie has been at WNY BloodCare since 2012 and leads a highly specialized team of professionals who manage patients with bleeding and clotting disorders of all ages. Laurie has a Masters in HealthCare Administration and a Bachelors of Science in Physical Therapy.



jessica graham - coalition coordinator

President, Bleeding Disorders Advocacy Network (BDAN)

As the parent of a child with a bleeding disorder, Jessica has been active in the bleeding disorders community for more than 20 years. She has volunteered with several local and national organizations and has spoken at programs across the country. In 2007, Jessica formed BDAN (Bleeding Disorders Advocacy Network) to develop and provide educational resources and programming, and recently began working as the Coalition Coordinator for the New York State Bleeding Disorders Coalition.
